TIME TO CREATE: 9 Hours Hours
Being an artist, I strive with every project to try and push myself to new limits and break my comfort zone when making figures. My wish was granted in this figure. I'm happy to show you all Thrall.
Initially posting this figure as a WIP on the r/wow subreddit got me to the front page with 6.2k upvotes and a huge surge of positive comments. I dont think I ever cried from an influx of positive feedback like that before.
It took me a full 487 pipecleaners and a week of time to finally finish this. I dont think I have ever had more fun with a figure yet. Every section of him was just a new way of doing things and a new way of figuring out weight management and balance. The greatest challenge of making a figure is generally mounting them to a base where they wont topple; and in this case, Thrall never had an issue standing.
I think my favorite part of this figure is Doomhammer. It was cool to try and make what most people see as the grey hammer from the games and put on a blue hue as if it was moments away from summoning lightning from the sky.
Just to add insult to the "horde" stance of the figure, I threw an Alliance helmet onto the base; a half "homage" to the Warcraft movie statue of Grommash Hellscream, another possible candidate for a figure in the future.
Making Thrall really re-affirmed my want to continue making these figures; to push whatever comforts I find in this art into new ways adding more detail and effort. If the reddit posts brought you here, just know your support of my craft means so much to me. This Thrall figure is here to remind me of that.