JORGE-052 (Halo Reach)

“Tell them to make it count”

Its no secret that I’ve been a fan of the Halo franchise. In fact, I would consider it to be one of my favorite, if not my absolute favorite, of all time. The story, the nostalgia that holds a vice grip on my childhood… this story really helped defined who I am today.

When Halo Reach came out in 2010, I jumped on it head first. Immediately, I gravitated to who I would consider “the heavy”, Jorge, a SPARTAN-II in the midst of SPARTAN-III’s. His death still hits hard.

What I give you today, is my monument to my favorite character within the Halo franchise. Standing at 9 Inches tall, and utilizing around 350+ pipecleaners, I give you: Jorge-052.

I had wanted to do this project for such a long time, but for some reason I never took the time to sit down and focus on it. I had made SPARTAN’s before. But I guess it was just the lack of drive I had recently. I’m happy that Jorge was the one who broke that lack of drive.

I’m debating a project with all of Noble Team. Stay tuned for more.