I needed a change!

Welcome to the new website layout! I’m still working on some of the stuff, but I really wanted an easier layout. I think I did a really solid job with this. But please feel free to contact me if you have some ideas.

How is everyone? (I enabled comments for you to reply) We all know things have been super hectic the past few months. I’ve jumped jobs and I really feel happy with this decision. Things are going great and I can say that I’m looking forward to what the future brings.

Lets talk the new layout, shall we? Its no secret I’m still learning things on design and website design. Hopefully I can get more animation going. But for now, I’m still working on getting some things worked out. You may have noticed the Photography section and the Keyboard section. I’m not the best photographer, but I want to share some of my adventures with you guys.

As for the Keyboards sections, I’ve started a new hobby with building keyboards, and I thought it would be a cool addition to the site. I’ll be sure to add some pictures of them soon, and I’m still waiting for parts so I’ll have plenty to build.

Thanks to all of you who are checking this out! I’m really happy I was able to get this thing up and running.

Benjamin Resnick2 Comments